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My Bus Journey From Aurangabad To Mumbai For Supari Ceremony

Here I will share my experience of my bus journey from Aurangabad to Mumbai for supari ceremony. So The main purpose for going to Mumbai is to attend the supari ceremony of my cousin’s brother Sanket.

What is the Supari Ceremony?

Supari ceremony is like an engagement ceremony but not an engagement. In the Supari ceremony, the people come together from the groom’s side as well as from the bride’s side.

maharashtrian supari ceremony

They all gather at the groom’s house to fix the engagement date as well as the wedding date.

The bride’s family will not be processed for the engagement and wedding ceremony until they received supari from the groom’s side.

So my parents already reached Mumbai 3 days before of supari ceremony. I could not go with them because I have some important work in my home town Aurangabad city which is in Maharashtra state. So I decided that I will go to Mumbai one day before the supari ceremony.

Soon I will release one vlog video about this whole journey.

My Bus Journey From Aurangabad To Mumbai For Supari Ceremony

I have decided I want to travel by Maharashtra gov bus which is MSRTC bus known as an st bus.

For the last 6 to 7 months I have not done a long journey from the st bus. So I decided let’s go from the st bus it will be a good experience.

So I went to the Aurangabad bus stand to enquire about bus time. From Aurangabad to Mumbai there are many direct buses is available.

The second best option is that you can take a bus from Aurangabad to Nashik. In Nashik, you can get fresh get your body to relax do some time pass and take a bus to Mumbai.

From Nashik to Mumbai there are continuous buses which is also a good option for me.

But I have decided I will take a direct bus while returning to Aurangabad I will be changing buses from Nashik. But from Aurangabad to Mumbai I will take a direct bus.

So I catch the 8:15 morning bus which is a direct bus to thane. This bus journey is almost 10 hours well I love to travel on public transportation because you can make new friends, you can talk to people, and have good conversations they will share their experiences.

While traveling you will get good as well as bad experiences but you will learn many good things. So I got the seat and sat beside the bus conductor.

Bus Conductor

The bus conductor’s behavior was very good with all the passengers. It was a very positive feeling while talking to the conductor so I clicked a selfie with him as you see.

bus conductor

He was sharing with me all his journey such as how many years he was doing this job, where he traveled as a conductor, about the different cities and their people’s behaviors.

What I like about this conductor is that he was giving his personal seat to people plus he was very polite.

Our First breakfast stop was 15 km from Vaijapur and from Aurangabad, it was 100 km. So I order idli cost 60 rs per plate it was two idle. Idle is a very famous and tasty south Indian dish.

The idle size was quite big. So after our breakfast bus journey begins and we reached Nashik at 1 pm. When we reached Nashik half of the bus is empty.

After 5 to 10 km from Nashik, one phone call came to the conductor’s mobile. It was about to take passengers from another st bus. Actually, what happened on the same route was another st bus failed and they were stuck in the middle of the road for almost 2 hours.

So we have taken that passenger from another bus now our bus is completely full I think more than 10 people standing on the bus.

But to be honest I am enjoying this journey after many years when I remember this journey immediately a smile will come to my face.

It is very urgent for Me To Get Out Of The Bus

I wanted to go for pee urgently. So I requested the conductor to stop the bus. He said to wait for some time as we were traveling through Kasara ghat and he is right there is no way to stop in the ghat as a Kasara ghat road is completely zig zag.

So I had to control my urges for urine for nearly 20 to 25 km. After the ghat was finished he stopped the bus and I went for a pee and then I was in great relief.

After 35 km from Kasara ghat, the bus took a break for 15 min at the roadside hotel the time was 3 pm. I have not consumed any food at that time because after 2 hours at 5 pm anyhow I will be going to reach  Mumbai. So I want to consume homemade food.

Safely Reached Mumbai

So I reached Mumbai at 5:15 pm I have taken rickshaw and safely reach home when I reach home I saw that my family member started decorating the house.

As tomorrow is the supari ceremony first I have taken shower then I consume homemade taste chicken biryani which is made by my Mausi.

Mausi (My mother’s sister) after the biryani I also started decorating the house.


Here comes the next day the supari ceremony so the bride’s family arrived at 11 mornings with a total of 22 members. But in the supari ceremony bride is not allowed to attained this ceremony.

The supari ceremony mostly happens at the groom’s house. So the groom is my big brother Sanket, Sanket is continuously blushing he was very happy from the inside as well as outside it was clearly visible on his face.


So both the family agrees so we broke supari by the hand of Sanket’s mama name Manish and both the family agree to take this relationship ahead.

And they fixed the engagement and marriage date and in this way the supari ceremony is over and at the end, both sides of the family did lunch together.

Return Journey

The next day my return journey started to Aurangabad. So I have taken a bus from thane to Nashik. So when I reached Nashik not immediately I have taken the bus to Aurangabad though from Nashik to Aurangabad continuous bus is available.

When I reached Nashik  I have taken One and half hour break that time I tested Nashik masala dosa and sweet lassi. Then I started walking towards the Thakkar bus stand where I have to catch a bus to Aurangabad.

In this way, the journey was completed from Aurangabad to Mumbai and from Mumbai to Aurangabad from the Maharashtra gov bus to attained my brother’s supari ceremony.

In this way, my journey was completed from Aurangabad to Mumbai and from Mumbai to Aurangabad.

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